residential hvac design services

Residential HVAC Design

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residential hvac design guide

hvac designers

  • HVAC Design
HVAC Design

During the early stages of designing a home you get the chance to work on the practicalities of how your home is going to function.  Working with Wade Energy, we bring our first hand experience of being in the field to your design stage and focus on making your vision a reality.  

Here is a sample of our design sets - Manual J,S,D Sample Files (Dropbox Link)

How we will work together:

  1. We’ll hold a kick-off meeting to get to know you, your design and how we can work with your vision to ensure adequate heating/cooling and ventilation throughout your home for a healthy and clean environment.
  2. We will then take the Title-24 compliance report we create as a basis of design and determine how much heating and cooling energy will be required in every room.
  3. This will translate into how big of units we specify, how to layout the duct work and what sizes.
  4. We will send you a draft layout of the design and share our findings with you.
  5. Adjustments, changes, and coordination with architectural and structural will be required as well.
  6. We will then send you a finalize HVAC plan with equipment schedules, equipment layouts, and supporting notes and details for the installing contractor. 
  7. Once the project gets moving, we like to have a kick-off call with the HVAC contractor to review the plans, and see if they want anything changed.
  8. Upon the final plan, we’ll coordinate with the HVAC sub’s schedule to perform the necessary testing requirements for the final permit.

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