CALGreen Inspections in Pleasant Hill, CA

CALGreen Inspections

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  • CALGreen Inspections
CALGreen Inspections

The California Green Building Code, “CALGreen”, originated in 2013 and is mandatory for single-family, multifamily, and nonresidential projects across the state. However, each building jurisdiction can implement CALGreen as they see fit making CALGreen especially confusing. Wade Energy has the experience and tools needed to make it easy to understand and create a simple path to compliance.

How we will work together:

For Permit-

  1. A CALGreen checklist is obtained from the Building Jurisdiction. 
  2. W review the project plans to determine the measures that are applicable to the project.
  3. A sheet of CALGreen Notes is developed to be inserted into the plan set.
  4. A signed copy of the permit phase CALGreen checklist will be provided to the project team.

During Construction-

  1. One of our CALGreen Inspectors will schedule an on-site visit during rough-in (before drywall) to conduct a walk-thru and kick-off. 
  2. We will work closely with the project team throughout construction to obtain all documentation necessary for CALGreen compliance.
  3. The CALGreen inspector will conduct a final site visit near the end of construction. 
  4. A signed copy of the construction phase CALGreen checklist will be provided to the general contractor.